Tuesday, January 4, 2011

LB#9.Teaching with dramatize experiences

I learn about this lesson Teaching with dramatize experiences is that as teacher you must have the love,courage and ways in dealing our lessons.As teacher you must do everything so that you can caught the attention of your students like acting on drama,especially when you are in lower grades.

   I can apply this leanings by using this method dramatization in dealing our students to learn well and properly.

LB#8. Teaching With Contrived Experiences

From this lesson,I understand about contrived experiences on how the teachers use it in correct and proper way.As teacher if you don't have the visual aid,the real objects you need to use in your lessons or activity you will have the choice using the contrived experiences to your students. Playing games is the very good example we can use because as teacher we can identify the weakness in knowledge or skills in our students.I can apply this to my chosen field by playing games that are related to my lesson before i will start my discussion on that day that my students will be alive and they can think or identify of what are the things we are going to do.I will use contrived experiences even if i don't have any device so that may students will learn to perform a simple task.

LB#. 7. Direct , Purposeful Experiences and Beyond

My leanings about this topic is that as a teacher we need to give all the ways on how the children learn.It is by direct learning or indirect learning.Because as teacher someday we must apply all these leanings so that these children will motivated or learn not just in a form of lecture but also through to life experiences so that they will learn and practice what they are learning.Like hands on activity it is important to the children to learn by their own experiences.I can apply these these learning to my students or pupils someday by giving them hands on activities experiments.Allowing them to learn by their own.